How can I be notified about Midwich Group plc’s announcements?
Information for investors about Midwich Group plc, including all regulatory announcements, can be found
When are Midwich Group plc’s financial reporting dates?
Key financial dates can be found in our Financial Calendar
Where can I see Midwich Group plc’s share price?
Regularly updated prices are on this website and are also available from the London Stock Exchange website
How can I find out how many shares I own?
Your share certificate provides details of how many shares you have bought in the Company. If you have lost your share certificate, you should contact the Company’s Registrar, Link Asset Services, as quickly as possible, quoting your shareholder reference number if you have it - this can be found on your share certificate or on the tax voucher accompanying your dividend. The Registrar keeps a record of shareholders names and addresses, and the number of shares they own.
Link Asset Services address is:
Link Asset Services
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Tel: +44 (0)20 3728 5000
How I can purchase or sell Midwich Group plc shares?
This is usually done through a stockbroker, bank, building society or "share shop". They all offer a similar service although the commissions they charge will vary.
What is Midwich Group plc’s dividend policy?
The Company will provide an update on its dividend policy when it reports its financial results.
When is the dividend paid?
The Company will provide an update on its dividend policy when it reports its financial results.
When is the next AGM?
The date of the Company’s AGM and a Notice of the AGM will be sent to shareholders ahead of the event.
How can I get a printed copy of Midwich Group plc’s annual report?
This can be obtained from the Company directly or through the registrar, Link Asset Services.
I have lost my share certificate, how do I get a new one?
You should contact the Company’s Registrar, Link Asset Services, as quickly as possible, quoting your shareholder reference number if you have it - this can be found on your share certificate or on the tax voucher accompanying your dividend. The Registrar keeps a record of shareholders names and addresses, and the number of shares they own.
Link Asset Services registered address is:
Link Asset Services
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Tel: +44 (0)20 3728 5000
What is the registered address of Midwich Group plc?
Vinces Road
IP22 4YT